Saturday 28 May 2016


Dr. John Greenwood was born in Boston, Massachusetts May 17,1760. He is credited with being the first to use a "Foot Drill" made out of an old spinning wheel and having inaugurated the use of flat or round springs for holding upper and lower plates in position.


John Greenwood's first foot drill inspired the great advance in Dental Equipment that evolved today's beautiful high speed drills.

Friday 27 May 2016

DR. BALINT ORBAN, (1899- 1960)- "Established the Histopathologic Era of Periodontology."

Doctor Orban was early interested in the therapeutic use of oxygenating compounds for the treatment of oral inflammation. He was the author of two papers on the subject: "Action of Oxygen on Chronically Inflammed Gingival Tissue", J.A.D.A., 29:2018, 1942 and "Atomic Versus Molecular Oxygen", J. Periodontology, 17:147, 1946.

Born in Hungary. Received M.D. Degree from University of Budapest and later an M.D. Degree from the University of Vienna. Served as Professor of Oral Pathology at Chicago College of Dental Surgery 1927-29. In 1938, received D.D.S. Degree from Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois. While extending and broadening the field of his old friend and mentor, Dr. Bernhard Gottlieb, the influence of Dr. Orban established the histopathologic era of periodontology. Being a forceful speaker, his teachings inspired many others to study the specialty. He published about 170 scientific papers and books- the last and most popular being "Atlas of Clinical Pathology of the Oral Mucous Membrane" and a textbook "Periodontics" in cooperation with Dr. Frank M. Wentz. Awarded the Miller Prize of the International Dental Federation in London in July 1952.

DR. BERNHARD GOTTLIEB (1886-1950)- "Best known for originating the Biologic Concept of Periodontal Disease."

Dr. Bernhard Gottlieb was born in Austria. Received a Medical Degree from the University of Vienna where he became Professor and Head of the Department of Histological Research. He also received a DMD Degree from the University of Bonn, Germany. Dr.Gottlieb is best known for originating the biological concept of Periodontics which stimulated great interest in the research and knowledge that have rapidly advanced the understanding of that subject during the past decades. Besides numerous papers in Medical and Dental Journals, he was the Author of Four important books namely: "Biology and Pathology of the Tooth and its Supporting Mechanism"; "Dental Caries"; "Endodontia"; and "Periodontia"- this last having been published at the time of his death in March 16, 1950.

Thursday 26 May 2016

DOCTOR JEAN HYACINTHE VINCENT- First to describe the organisms associated with the oral and gingival inflammation known as "VINCENT'S INFECTION."


Doctor Vincent was a French Medical Scientist born in Bordeaux, France in December 22, 1862. He discovered the Fusiform Bacillus and the Spirochete ( Vincent's Bacillus and Spirillum ) considered by many to be the cause of the disease known today as VINCENT'S ANGINA, VINCENT'S INFECTION, or TRENCH MOUTH  which was so prevalent among the Allied Armies of the World War I.

"DOCTOR HORACE WELLS' Discovery of Anesthesia in 1844."

Horace Well's discovery of Anesthesia made possible surgery and surgical techniques that had never before been possible because of the painful resistance of the patient.

Doctor HORACE WELLS was born in 1815 in Hartford, Vermont, U.S.A. He studied Dentistry in Boston and in 1836 opened a dental office in Hartford, Connecticut. In 1838 published "Essay on the teeth comprising a brief description of their formation, diseases and proper treatment"; 1838-44 invented a method of soldering teeth to plates; 1844 discovered anesthesia- Demonstrated and first proclaimed the use of Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia; 1846-47 published "History of Discovery of the Application of Nitrous Oxide Gas, Ether, and other vapors of Surgical Operations." Died in 1848. 

The Paris Medical Society voted him great honors for his discovery of Anesthesia. The American Dental Association and many Dental Societies throughout the world have voted honors to him.

"The Natural History of Human Teeth" by JOHN HUNTER (1728-1793)

John Hunter labored long, arduous hours with mind and hand to originally describe the anatomy and classification of the teeth.

He was born near Glasgow, Scotland. His masterpiece, "The Natural History of the Human Teeth", was published in 1771. This publication became the foundation of all anatomical texts on anatomy of the jaws and teeth up to the present time. He was the first to attempt a classification of the teeth and his classification stands today practically as presented by him originally.

DENTAL X-RAY PHOTOGRAPHY PIONEER- Professor Doctor WILHELM DIECK - (Jan.12,1867-Feb.28,1935)

Professor Doctor Dieck developed the first practical technique for dental x-ray photography, making it possible to use this highly accurate diagnostic aid routinely in dental practice.

Born and lived in Germany , he was one of the most important pioneers of x-ray photography. After long and arduous work with primitive x-ray apparatus of that time, he published his x-ray atlas. This atlas is still important in maxillary therapy and medical science dealing with the head. Professor Doctor Dieck is given the credit for having introduced the routine use of x-ray photography into the practice of all dentists, thereby insuring proper diagnosis and therapy.


GREEN VARDIMAN BLACK, M.D., D.D.S., Sc.D., L.L.D. (1836-1915)

Born in Winchester, Illinois, U.S.A. His work influenced more than any other one individual the trend of dental education. In 1891 he became professor of operative dentistry and dental pathology, later Dean of Northwestern University Dental School, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. In all phases of Dentistry will be found the works of the hand and brain of the man who did more to standardize operative procedures that was done before or since. He standardized Cavity Preparation, Amalgam Manufacture, Cavity Nomenclature, and laid the foundation for standardization of Dental Terms. Thus he has rightfully been designated "The Grand Old Man of Dentistry"- The Dental Profession has bestowed upon him every honor.


Detailed Biography of   Dr. Greene Vardiman Black with Photos thru:

Wednesday 25 May 2016

"Control of Purulent Gingivitis" by PIERRE FAUCHARD (1678-1761)

Pierre Fauchard was a native of Brittany. His notable work, "Le Chirurgien-Dentiste", published in Paris in 1728, became a classic in Dentistry. Fauchard became noted as the leading exponent of Dentistry of his time and numbered among his patients many of the crowned heads of Europe. His method of the treatment of Pyorrhea by surgical means has been but little improved upon up to this time. He became so noted in this respect that Pyorrhea was, and still is, known as "Fauchard's Disease."