Thursday 26 May 2016

"DOCTOR HORACE WELLS' Discovery of Anesthesia in 1844."

Horace Well's discovery of Anesthesia made possible surgery and surgical techniques that had never before been possible because of the painful resistance of the patient.

Doctor HORACE WELLS was born in 1815 in Hartford, Vermont, U.S.A. He studied Dentistry in Boston and in 1836 opened a dental office in Hartford, Connecticut. In 1838 published "Essay on the teeth comprising a brief description of their formation, diseases and proper treatment"; 1838-44 invented a method of soldering teeth to plates; 1844 discovered anesthesia- Demonstrated and first proclaimed the use of Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia; 1846-47 published "History of Discovery of the Application of Nitrous Oxide Gas, Ether, and other vapors of Surgical Operations." Died in 1848. 

The Paris Medical Society voted him great honors for his discovery of Anesthesia. The American Dental Association and many Dental Societies throughout the world have voted honors to him.

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